It seems like a past life for most of us to recall the incredible offices of some of the biggest companies in the world, such as Google and TikTok: coworkers huddled on communal couches, people sharing cubicles, and for the fortunate, these offices had kegs of beer and nitro coffee immediately available for after-work drinks.

Our break room coffee that we once promised our colleagues we would never touch again has been stuck at home for much of the last year, leaving us longing for it. Returning to the office has created a different reality for many. There are limited social opportunities, small pods and masks had to be worn every day. As a result, you might be wondering if office culture will ever return to previous levels!

We’re probably going to have to say no. In any case, certain aspects of our work lives will most likely return, but others will likely change and some things will possibly never return.

While it may seem grim at first, this new era offers us an opportunity to rethink what workplaces and workplace cultures will be like in the future. Let’s reinvent how we can use shared spaces. Coworking 2.0 will change our lives for the better.

The evolution and adaptation of coworking spaces have been brilliant and creative. See how WorkAvenue315, an office space rent in Bangalore, India redesigned itself for COVID-19.

We’re not giving up on remote work at WorkAvenue315!

The virus will cause the economy to suffer, and the workforce will suffer as well, which will lead to many permanent home-based jobs. Quite a few companies have put up with policies that will allow workers to work at home at least until 2022. 30% of people, according to Global Workplace Analytics, will continue with this trend.

A COVID-19 certification has absolved employers of their skepticism about remote work in one fell swoop, proving it does work. Lockdowns have ended, but traditional offices will not return.

The vast majority of employees, however, like to keep their personal lives separate from their work lives. After transmission risk is reduced, people will eventually commute somewhere. This is where WorkAvenue315, shared office space in Bangalore swoops in!

How does WorkAvenue315, a coworking space in Bangalore solve these problems?

Coworking has suffered a setback, but small and large businesses still value its benefits. In his new approach, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong describes the coworking model as “one floor in ten cities versus ten floors in one.” The solution for businesses that need multiple locations and flexible layouts is the new and improved co-working spaces. Having restructured and reworked their finances, companies may be forced to revive coworking.

WorkAvenue315, one of the leading coworking spaces in India, has greatly adjusted its strategies in light of the pandemic and expected aftershocks. WorkAvenue315 is a dispersed workforce solution with several locations in Bangalore!

Which safety measures do WorkAvenue315 implements?

WorkingAvenue315 offers the concept of a 6-foot office, helping clients create a safe space. With new and improved rules of conduct, individual routings for each office, and optimized sharing facilities, the concept also includes new and improved rules of conduct. Automation, hands-free access, and smart lighting are some ways technology has revolutionized workspace.

The most popular alternative to spraying was to wash your hands, wear a mask, and use a sanitizer. It won’t be long before office desks have plexiglass shields between them. Today, an employee’s comfort in a shared space is dependent on visible cleaning!

The Takeaway!

WorkAvenue315 is focused on providing better and safer coworking spaces to meet these needs. If we adapt to this new environment, returning to work can be an easy transition!